A downloadable character sheet

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You have character sheets for dungeon crawlers and cyberpunks. Now at last you have an easy and portable character sheet for that most persistent and nuanced role you've ever played: You.

With Today's Character Sheet, you can easily update your stats day to day to tell the world -- or just yourself -- how you're doing, what you're capable of, and exactly how much of a damn you can give today.

Pretty straightforward, right? Right. Let me know if you want print versions.


  • NAME: Your name.
  • LEVEL: Your age.
  • CLASS: Your occupation or vocation. Could be accountant, could be homemaker, could be gamer, could be "Dunno."
  • STATS: Your inherent attributes, Wits, Will, Energy, and Fortitude. Write out bonuses from -3 (Abysmal) to +3 (Hell Yeah). These can fluctuate daily.
  • SKILLS: Check off the ones that apply for today. You're the arbiter of balance here.
  • HP: How many hours of sleep you got last night.
  • AC: Cloth is 1. Leather (jacket? cool!) is 2. Anything else is 3 or higher, and you'll probably get some looks.
  • INVENTORY & CURRENCY: Does what it says on the tin.
  • CARE POINTS & SPITE POINTS: At the start of each day, determine how much Care (genuine interest) and Spite (defiant 'tude) you have on tap to accomplish the day's tasks. Blot out any excess. So, for example, if you think you have 6 total Care Points to start, blot out 4.
    • When you spend a Care or Spite Point, X out a box until you're tapped. Try to be balanced. Or don't; I'm not your dad.
  • DEBUFFS: Getting tired, irritable, distracted or bored? Just blot out or update your Stats, Skills, HP, AC or whatever else applies. The increasingly chaotic look of your Character Sheet will be nicely representative of the day.

Created (naturally) for the Pleasure-not-Business Card RPG Jam.


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

Todays Character Sheet v1.1.pdf 87 kB


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this looks like a fun thing to incorporate in a journal


Hi, I absolutely love this, it gets me through some days and always makes me smile! So far ive just been filling it on my Phone/Ipad, but if there was a Print Version I would absolutely use it!! 


That put such a smile on my face! Let me look into printing up real business cards.


The smile make’s its way around ^^ I appreciate the effort!!